Bay of Plenty Mathematical Association
MathsMind Competition


What we are


Who we are


Mini Conference

Conference Resources

Annual Dinner


Contact us

email database


Links to pages within MathsMind:

What is MathsMind?

When and where does it happen?

Guidelines for Year 9 Questions

Previous Q&A and results

Time Line

Operating Procedures



Time Line


To do



Last year's host school to forward to this year's host school:
(a) Parking signs
(b) Signage used in the auditorium.
The Question Setters must be established before the end of Term One


This year's host school collects in all trophies. Question Setters need to keep the early questions easy to medium. This generates excitement and movement in the auditorium and gets the show off to a lively start.
Question Setters are steadily building their questions.
Sponsorship needs to be addressed.


All schools could gradually prepare for MathsMind. Previous years' questions are on this web site.  


Schools are sent Registration forms  
Questions and Answers need to be editted by another person and ready for the MathsMind Co-ordinator to print. Deadline is the end of Term 2.
Sponsorship now firmly in place


Schools to post Registrations to the Co-ordinator.
Minibuses are booked!
Send registration forms to the MathsMind Co-ordinator, not the BoPMA Secretary.
Question books and Answer sheets printed.
All trophies are in.
The Question books have the Qu 1 slip at the top and face down, Qu 2 is under Qu 1 and is also face down, etc.
Team names should be written on each question slip.
The display for the running scores for teams needs to be tested and ready to go on the day. The display must be able to be easily read from the rear of the auditorium.


2 weeks to go
Schools have minibus drivers sorted. If they are markers then they must familiarise themselves with the Standard Operating Procedures.
The M.C. needs to be confirmed.
Lead-up week
Student helpers are confirmed. They collect the slips from the markers and bring them to the scorers.
Markers have read and understand the Standard Operating procedures.
Foodpacks are planned for teams as they exit after MathsMind has finished.

The procedures for Markers is explained in this page.

The host school has the option to use the 'runner system' or an alternative efficient system.

The day
Teams need to arrive no later than 40 minutes before the Yr 9 start.
Markers will be called for a briefing. Finger food will be available prior to the meeting starting.
Ensure that at least one of the prizewinner photographs includes the Ministry of Education banner in the background. The MoE is a principal sponsor of MathsMind.
Student Collectors need to be politely assertive when collecting the slips from the markers. Slips must be handed to the Collectors as quickly as possible. Each collector is allocated three designated markers.

A team finishes early
They finish the competition early, they wait.
The next day, or as soon as possible
Templates for certificates need to have copies to be stored in a central place.